Meet The Team


Duncan is returning to pub life after a 20+ year gap. In that time he has worked for Skyfleet Ltd as a sales manager in the car leasing industry, Patron AVS who can also be found at Evegate and now Yeames providing solar solutions to businesses.

Having said he’d retire to a pub one day this opportunity came along sooner than expected but it was too good to miss and now here he is. Always wanting to be the life and soul of the party, being behind the bar suits his larger than life personality…and laugh!

When not at Yeames or The Dog House, Duncan is a real family guy enjoying time with Claire, Hana and Luke and of course the four Frenchies.

If there is any time left Duncan will be bankside fishing, writing, reading or sketching, preferring the traditional approach of cane rods and natural baits.


After leaving school Claire turned her weekend job at Tesco into a full time job and soon found herself on their management training program. In 2004 she joined Home-Start Ashford & District, a local charity, as an Organiser working in the rural area and since 2012 has been Co-Scheme Manager with responsibility for day to day scheme operations and finance. It’s an amazing job and Claire has the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people.

Duncan and Claire always talked about ‘retiring’ into pub life so this has come a little early but the stars aligned and thanks to her late Gran and Grandad here they are! Claire likes to be organised and methodical (a place for everything and everything in its place) and enjoy number crunching so she is looking forward to the challenges that this brings.

Outside of work she loves spending time with her family, Duncan and Claire have been married since 1998 and have two big children, Hana and Luke. They have four French Bulldogs, Nala and Kobe and their pups, Odin and Lilo who take up a lot of their time and fill the forthcoming empty nest. Claire also have a passion for coffee, baking, (window) shopping, eating out and the cinema.



Landdaughter, Bar & Kitchen
Having graduated from UCA with a degree in Fashion & Textiles Print Design, Hana is now a Primary Schhol Teacher and can be found in the pub at weekends.

In charge of batch cooking, Hana has a natural flare for all things food, especially vegetarian options.

Hana also coordinates events and private parties using her creative and colourful instincts to make the small space perfectly personalised for each occasion.

On days off Hana spends time with Jay and their dog Pierre exploring creative places and nature reserves in Kent and trying out local foods. She enjoys bike riding and being outside.


Landson, Bar & Kitchen
Luke is the funny, good-looking and smart son of Duncan and Claire. At 6′ 10″ doors are not his friend.

Currently in Falmouth at Uni he can be found at the pub in holidays, usually in the kitchen cooking ‘banging’ food or on the bar wooing people for tips.

When not working he enjoys art, music, football and sleeping!





Bar, Personal License Holder
A busy mum of 4 little people, working in management at Tesco at weekends and evenings has found a second home and family at the pub going back to where her heart lays after working in local pubs and nightclubs from 16-21. George has spur of the moment ideas, such as changing her hair colour in split decisions.

If she does find herself having spare time George loves to sit at the sewing machine and make the kids clothes and is known for hoardings fabric supplies as well as many cleaning supplies and useful unknown cleaning tips and tricks as she’s strangely always loved to clean.


Kitchen, Level 3 Supervising Food Safety & Hygiene
Chants is a busy working mum of 2 babies, 1 with four legs, and 1 with two arms and two legs.

She decided to change from working at a local coffee shop as one of the main chefs to making peoples belly’s full at The Dog House and is the queen of spice with our chilli and curry. You’ll hear her working (or at least her drum & bass from the kitchen) mainly weekday lunches and the odd evening shift if childcare is available! Never would Chants have thought she would make such good friends with the gang who she now lovingly calls her second family.

Outside of work Chantelle is normally trying to catch up on mum duties or chilling at the beach with her son and dog. Chants lives for the weekend and everything else in between! She loves a holiday or 5 (Claire dreads her last minute holiday requests!) and a boogy at a rave every other month.


Kitchen, Car Meet Guru
Chezza is the maturest member of the team choosing to spend some of her spare time in our kitchen having retired from long running professional career.

She especially enjoys working the fast paced car meets on a Sunday morning when her infectious chuckle can be heard through the pub.

When not working Chezza loves walking her dog Fred, playing as much golf as time allows and sampling English wine.



Kitchen, Pizza Base Queen
Ann is an aging hippy who is at her happiest listening to or performing live music or rattling pots and pans in the kitchen. She has a degree in Bossiness and a Masters in “the look” so don’t make her use her teacher voice!